Wednesday, August 27, 2008

If I dont show or tell you enough... I love and appreciate you

With alot of time on my hands I realize how much energy, among other things, that people give and take back and forth amongst each other. And I want everyone who has given to me in love, spirit, time, or materially I thank you. I have some wonderful people in my life and I am grateful for each and everyone of you.
I realize that we as humans needs to be more grateful and appreciate what we have RIGHT NOW!! And if someone in your life does not fill up your love tank and energise you then ask yourself.... why do you have them in your life?? What are they giving you?? What are you giving them?? Is it a balanced relationship??
If no, then why do we do it???
Life is too short to have negative energy around or as I call it "leeches" and this is my big new lesson in life.

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