Monday, March 31, 2008


Oh my girdle!!!! I am fricken officially obsessed!! Like in the need for some sort of help. I LOVE 'One Tree Hill'. Yes I said it (the first step to recovery I'm told)... I LOVE (emphasis on the word love) One Tree Hill!
If I was a cheerleader this would be my inspiration of every cheer.
Give me an O.... Give me a N.... Give me an E.... well you get my point!
I have been watching the shows of Season 5 as they are being shown in the states and about an hour ago I finished the latest one and it is driving me CRAZY that I have to wait for the next episode. To the point that I have been researching online for the last hour to find out what happens in the up coming episodes cause I HAVE to know.....aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
And I know there are some of you out there saying to yourself what the hell is One Tree Hill??? And my answer is "THE BEST SHOW EVER!!!!" Along with Grey's Anatomy and Californication!! And on that note I must go now as I taped last nights Grey's Anatomy and I forgot and now I remember so now I must go and watch it!!
I need help I swear!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Scuba Steve...

Well today was Cam's first day in scuba dive classes and well I must say he hasnt stopped talking about it since he got back 3 hours ago.... yes thats right I have been a great wife, smiling, nodding, showing interest while hearing about diving in the pool and learning about........ well.... I obviously wasnt listening very well cause I cant tell you exactly what they did in the pool but all I know or care about is Cam had a fabulous time. He has 3 more days to go of classes. Tomorrow back in the pool. and sunday and monday he heads out to Julian Rocks dive park which he is really excited about.
Again I'll pat myself on the back for getting him such a great xmas present.... what a great wife I am.... ha!!
Although this year my birthday present is AWESOME!!! So I guess we're even. What a great husband Cam is too!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mother Nature at her best

Lee jumping off

Its hard to capture the whole water hole and both falls in one great shot. Here's the best I got.

This is the big falls and the highest spot to dive off.

So recently Shawn had some locals introduce him to Dalwood Falls. Of course since then we have all been there and have falling in love with this magic place. Not only is the cliff diving scary yet invigorating.... it amazing these falls are only bout 15 minute drive form our house in the opposite direction of the beach. Its not a public place with signs and a parking lot. You literally would have no idea it was there.
The falls, as we have nicknamed them, seems to be the place we want to go and chill and get away from anything. When we leave this place I really wish I could take these falls with me.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We're back!!!

if anyone actually reads this blog, Sorry for the leave of absence lately....
we're back and in action....