Friday, May 1, 2009

"Lee drinks her own pee" birthday cake

Well its official. I am 33. Theoretically this should be a great year if I take into consideration numerology and 3 being my number and then being 33 ...this year should be fricken great...right?? I'll keep you posted.
Yes I seriously did get a bday cake that said Lee drinks her own pee. VERY funny!! Love it. and of course it was Dairy Queen ice cream cake so I was really content. I had a great bday. 1st I got to celebrate the day with family and tons and tons of phone calls (thank you everyone for the well wishes). I got my Lululemon from Cameron so i was pumped. I was spoilt which was fun with the little things in life you never get for yourself so that's great. And on the Sunday we had a bbq. It was awesome to be surrounded with good friends again and talk about life and where we are all going. its all exciting. Its weird to have babies at these things now. man thats a sign of age or what..ha!!
So here I am 33. Excited about whats coming, let go of what has past and going to try love every moment, live in the now as they say.

1 comment:

Caryn Ouwehand said...

Happy (very) belated bday Lee. And don't worry, I also drink my own pee.