Cam enjoying his first dip in our new hot tub
Me not happy about packing AGAIN!! But its worth it
Oliver and Charlie enjoying their new beach

Our living room
The dining room, kitchen and down the hall. There are 2 bedrooms along the right of the hall and then our bedroom at the end of the hall
This is the sharow in Cam and I's bathroom. Its very open. Creepy at first but now loving the whole nature thing
Our bedroom. messy already
Cam in the hot tub
Hi everyone. Back online. SWEET!! Man we are so dependant on technology these days.
Anyway we have officially moved. We have left bitter ol Ballina and now thriving back where we started in Suffolk Park (Byron Bay). We are living exactly 4 blocks from our old house and lucky for us its 4 blocks closer to the beach. We are about 50meters from the sand of Tallows Beach. Its AWESOME to be back. Cam and I get up every morning and go for a nice walk along the beach with Oliver before starting every day. We have seen the reliable and amazing dolphins jumping and playing in the waves as we walk along. And we are constantly saying aloud "man this is where we live!!!" with a look of amazement on our faces.
Other than the beach (which of course we are LOVING) the new house is great too. Its smaller than our Ballina house but nice. Its got an 8 person hot tub which has been a huge hit so far. And of course we are planning a Hot Tub party in the next couple weeks.
We have moved here with 2 friends Laura and Quintin for those that didnt know. Friends from Canada who are here for awhile. They also have their dog Charlie. Oliver has surprisingly taken quite well to Charlie which is great. Oliver being the snob he is, we were worried how it would go. But all is well.
Anyway we have a new address and phone number now. I'll email this info out next.
Hot Tub party coming soon. You better be there.