Is there anyone else out there that is getting really bloody sick and tired of people who seem to have a complaint or bitch about EVERYTHING and are so self centered they cant see past their own ass?
And the stuff is sooo stupid, selfish and irrelevant that you can not believe that people seriously have nothing better to do with their time and energy.
What the
f#@$ is going on?? People freaking out about coffee, someone cutting them off or the fact that you had to go a different way with your boat cause someone parked on the street made it more difficult for you... forget the fact that there are wars happening, child abuse, starvation, victims of China with no homes... and all the other current suffers of natural disasters...... do I need to go on cause I sure as heck can.
Can we all please look outside our own world and start having some respect, love and compassion for each other.
Read a New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and all start loving each other... and no I have not become a major hippie living here.... just think the hippies may have had some things very right!!